The Beautiful Woman Has Come

The Beautiful Woman Has Come
A Historical Novel by Debra Giuffrida

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Reinstilling Myself with the Desire to Write...


Depression comes in many shapes and sizes and can be triggered by many things. This time the trigger was no job and no money. Each time I have had a crisis of faith in myself it has taken a few months to pull myself up by the bootstraps, but I have always rebounded. This time it is taking me way too long to even reach for the bootstraps let alone pull on them. My life has changed, I no longer read nor write. This is the first time I have put fingers to keyboard and I wasn't playing a stupid game on facebook. My subscription to Panhistoria lapsed and I was too broke to renew it so that fact sent me into another death spiral. But now my job situation had changed for the better so maybe those bootstraps are nearer my fingertips than they have been in a very long time.

So enough with the 'oh, woe is me' brewhaha and on with the good news. I have found a wonderful Thoroughbred mare that moves like a dream come true and whose owner is financially strapped and can't keep her. And she is right in the same barn as my gelding! Lucky me! Now all I have to do is convince the owner to give her to me. If it is meant to be, it will be.

As to my writing? How is that going, you ask? Well I have picked up some of my research material off of the nightstand and dusted it off and even cracked the spine, flipped through some pages and read a paragraph or two. The desire to write is still there just a little bit dormant. But the desire for finishing at least one of my novels is as strong as ever. Look out world I'm baaaack!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Paying the Piper robbing Paul, or is that paying Paul by robbing Peter. I always get that metaphor confused. Be that as it may I am broke and I just got paid. So I have been spending the last few minutes using the calculator and crunching numbers. I still can't make my salary pay all my bills. I am just talking about the barest of necessities! I am not even including food for the dog, cat or Guy. Me, I can eat at the restaurant, but I have to buy food for everyone else.

This does not make for a very good writing atmosphere. In fact I feel sick and nothing but the thought of empty bank accounts and the impending need to purchase a tent fills my mind. It's too cold to live in a tent. I refuse to live in a tent in Las Vegas. Lake Tahoe on the other hand wasn't too bad, except when it was 12 degrees. Then it wasn't too pleasant.

So what to do, what to do. Oh yeah, I could make the lump on my couch get a job, but no, he's collecting unemployment and he says no one is hiring. How does he know? He has tried. Tried and tried he says but no one is hiring. Argh!

We live in the state with the highest unemployment rate. We live in the city within the state with the highest unemployment rate. So I guess I will have to get a part time job to take up the slack caused by my lack of full time hours. Oh, I forgot to tell you, my boss has cut my hours and that is why I am having a terrible time paying the piper. Heck, I hate that song anyway.